Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Woman sues her husband because of no sex! Should sex be mandatory in marriage?

If you're married and unhappy with your sex life, should you sue your spouse?

That's exactly what a woman in France did recently. In a rare decision, a judge ordered her ex-husband pay $14,000 in damages for failing to have enough sex during their 21-year marriage. This raises the question, "Is sex a mandatory part of marriage?"

According to one American study from the General Social Survey, married men and women, on average, have sex with their spouse 58 times a year -- a little more than once a week. But 15 percent of married couples haven't had sex with their spouse in the last six months-to-one-year, according to a study conducted by Georgia State University.

So, should married couples be required to have sex, and if so, how often?

Cosmopolitan Executive Editor Nicole Beland and Matt Titus, author of "Why Hasn't He Called? How Guys Really Think," chimed in on the hot topic.

Watch the video above, and let us know, using the comments area of this story, whether you feel sex during a marriage should be mandatory.