Monday, August 22, 2011

Teacher Arrested For Relationship With 14-Year-Old Student After His Classmates Told Police

A Texas teacher has been arrested for having an improper relationship with a 14-year-old student after his classmates told police. Hit the jump to read the rest of the story.

 Jordan Lane, 27, was arrested on Wednesday after officers got a tip that she had built up a relationship with the boy.

Lane was a teacher in the Honey Grove Independent School District until she resigned on June 20th.
Police chief Mark Johnson said: ‘I got a tip of a relationship going on between a teacher and a student.
‘And during that time I started talking to the people which was a bunch of high school students.

As I started talking to them I learned that this thing was coming to light that there was more to it than just a rumour,’ he told local station KX11.

Police believe that the relationship happened outside of school, but had begun in lessons.

Mr Johnson said: ‘The improper conduct happened after hours, after school hours.

‘What I gathered through the investigation, the relationship started during the school year but it didn’t really get deep into a relationship until the end of the year.’

Jeff Clark, superintendent of the school board, said: ‘The information currently available to Honey Grove ISD is that the alleged conduct did not occur at school.

‘School officials are cooperating fully with law enforcement, and taking every measure to assure the safety of all students.’

Lane has been released on bond.